How Can I Fix My Bad Teeth?

Bad TeethIn a culture that puts a lot of value on bright and perfect smiles, having bad teeth can be a source of embarrassment. Issues such as misalignment, discoloration, crooked teeth, misshapen teeth, and dental stains can affect your social life and self-confidence. The way your teeth look affects how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you.

In fact, studies by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry show that a third of Americans are not happy with their smile, and about 36-percent believe that they would have a more vibrant social life if their teeth looked better. Seventy-four percent of Americans believe that a bad smile can affect your career success, and almost 100-percent believe that your smile is one of your most important social assets. The study also showed that bad teeth are a dating turn off for both men and women.

However, the problems are not just cosmetic. Bad teeth can affect your health as well, resulting in gum problems and other oral health issues. Issues with your teeth can arise as a result of trauma, failing dental work, genetics, and lack of proper dental care.

Fortunately, modern advances in dental care can provide permanent solutions to common teeth problems.

Here are some ways you can fix your bad teeth:

1. Braces

Braces are an effective way to fix most problems associated with crooked teeth. Teenagers can get colorful braces, while older patients who do not want to draw attention to their mouth have less visible options. Braces do take a bit of getting used to, but they provide excellent results.

2. Teeth whitening

Having the occasional cup of coffee or glass of red wine could result in teeth discoloration. Fortunately, you can restore your teeth to its natural shade or make it even whiter with teeth whitening procedures. There are various options like whitening strips, gels, and professional bleaching.

3. Dental implants

Dental implants are designed to replace missing teeth, allowing you to show off your full set of pearly whites. Dental implants are permanent, as they are positioned firmly in your jawbone. They are then covered with a realistic looking crown. Implants are very comfortable and you can brush and care for them like your natural teeth.

4. Crowns

If you have a tooth with a considerable amount of tooth decay, you may need a crown to fix the problem. A crown is a type of cap that covers the top of the tooth where there is significant decay or tooth cracks. It is designed to fit into your mouth and is often colored to match the shade of your teeth. Thus, it is very hard for others to tell that you have a crown. If properly taken care of, crowns are very durable and can serve you for years if you avoid grinding your teeth or chewing hard objects or foods such as ice.

5. Bonding

This is a very quick and easy way to fixing broken or chipped teeth. The dentist applies composite resin to the affected tooth and shapes the resin until the problem with the tooth is corrected. This process is also ideal for reattaching a piece of a tooth that has broken off or filling in cracks and chips.


Fixing your bad teeth can give you a confidence boost and make you feel more comfortable interacting with others or having your picture taken. If you have bad teeth, contact a dentist to find out what works best for your particular situation.

Call (949) 274-4719 today to reach Light Breeze Dental.

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