Use Invisalign® From Light Breeze Dental to Improve Your Smile for Senior Year

InvisalignAt Light Breeze Dental, we provide older teens with Invisalign®. If you are entering your senior year of high school, congratulations! This is a fun and exciting time of life that is often full of school events and preparation for the future. As you plan for what you want to wear to the Homecoming dance and dream of what college to attend, now is an excellent time to do what you have always wanted: straighten your teeth. Light Breeze Dental has an easy and convenient way to do that, so you can improve your smile in time to head off to college next fall.

How it works:

Invisalign® straightens your teeth using the same principle as traditional braces. Pressure is applied to specific teeth so they can be moved into a new position. This is done gradually, so no damage is caused to the teeth themselves or to your nerves. The difference is in the tools that are used to apply this pressure. With traditional braces, metal brackets are placed on each tooth and a wire is threaded between them, held in place by rubber bands. Through regular office visits, the wires are tightened or adjusted to keep teeth moving in the right direction. With Invisalign®, the process is entirely different. Teeth are moved through the use of clear aligners. These look like full retainers and surround your teeth completely. When we begin the treatment, pictures and measurements are taken. This information will be uploaded into computer software so we can create your full treatment plan and have the aligners created at the lab. Each aligner is part of a series that must be worn in order. Doing so will keep your teeth moving in the right direction until they are eventually straight. Our office uses the latest technology so no gooey impression to gag on is needed. Instead, a scan involving multiple pictures of your teeth are taken. This information will be uploaded into computer software so we can create your full treatment plan and have the aligners created at the lab. Each aligner is part of a series that must be worn in order. Doing so will keep your teeth moving in the right direction until they are eventually straight.

Why teens love Invisalign®

Convenience. You can take your aligners out when you need to. This means that if you are going to prom, you do not have to go wearing braces. If you are playing high school basketball, you can do so without your aligners in. This level of flexibility can only come from wearing removable aligners. You just have to be sure to put them back in as quickly as possible, so your treatment time is not delayed.

Food. We all eat it, and most teens have their favorite foods like hamburgers and pizza. The challenge is that these foods are not very easy to eat while wearing braces, because anything you bite into can become stuck in between the brackets and wires. With Invisalign®, you are supposed to take your aligners out to eat, which means you can eat all of your favorite foods without restriction and without fear of being embarrassed.

Brushing. Taking care of your teeth is incredibly easy when you are straightening them with aligners. You can brush and floss like normal because you do so without your aligners in. This means you have less worry about your teeth becoming stained, and your daily care routine will not become longer.

To find out if you qualify for this convenient treatment option, call and schedule an appointment with Light Breeze Dental.

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